Dynavistics Video

Unit of Measure

Written by Staff Author | Oct 3, 2016 7:25:00 PM


Video Transcript

How to Manage Multiple Units of Measure (U of M) in Dynamics GP

The Unit of Measure Management module allows you to view inventory balances in a number of GP windows in alternate units of measure, not just the base unit.  It also provides the facility to specify items as split pack items.  You may, for example, distribute wine by the bottle or by the case and the split pack format allows you to view the number of full cases and the number of additional bottles, simultaneously.

In addition, the Unit of Measure Management module also provides the facility to specify a main stock unit for an item and the facility to specify a different default selling unit for an item when sold from different sites.  

In this screen, I'm entering an item, Z-200, and a site.  This screen provides an alternative to the standard item enquiry and immediately shows two if its key features.

Inventory is shown in unit of measure Case6, even though the base unit of measure is each.  For Case6, the inventory balance is shown as 87/0.  The 87 represents the cases and the zero represents the number of eaches.  This is known as split pack functionality.

If we click an item number then zoom to item maintenance and choose the additional tab and Unit of Measure Management from the drop down, we get this screen.  Main stock unit is featured as the existing Dynamics GP, where base unit is always a default for inquiry screens.

For items with multiple units of measure, the base is not necessarily the unit the user typically wants to view stock in.  This field resolves that issue.  Where you have many units of measure schedules for different units but wish to measure sales in one consistent unit, for example, tonnage for paper or liters and gallons for beverages, the sales consolidation unit provides the facility to identify a common unit for sales analysis reporting.

Purchasing pack and selling pack allow you to sell or purchase in one unit while ensuring that the quantity is the exact multiple of another.  For example, you may take order in bottles but rum is sold in whole cases.   

As for the split pack indicator, if you have 19 bottles of an item in stock, with six in a case, but wish to show inventory in case of six, this would normally show as 3.16667.  With this indicator on it will show as 3/1.  This is particularly important as it means that we can give clear picking instructions to warehouse operatives as to the exact quantity of cases and eaches to pick.

Within the set-up menu, this program allows you to the select which is your preferred display reporting unit for a number of standard GP programs.

You can select the base, the main stock unit, as they most have here, or the default selling unit.

This module also includes outstanding pricing functionality, enabling you to generate base unit and measure prices automatically from non-base units on price sheets.  For example, a case containing ten items for the price set at $50 will generate a base unit price of $5 each.  

You can also apply markups to the base unit prices generated; for example, you may wish to charge a markup of $0.50 on each individual item sold.

So, to summarize, the Unit of Measure Management module helps to resolve what can be a difficult issue in GP - the setting up of a suitable Unit of Measure schedule.  It provides a schedule with a greater flexibility and features for postings, displays, and reports, and it allows to:

  • Specify items as split pack
  • Specify a main stock item
  • Specify default selling and purchasing units for different sites.

I hope you found this interesting.  If you'd like to know more, please schedule your free demonstration today.  Thank you.