Features to Enhance Dynamics GP for Inventory

16 features to enhance Microsoft Dynamics GP for inventory.

Are you having trouble keeping the right amount of inventory available for your customers?

Do you need to know multiple period sales demand for an item while entering purchase orders? Or perhaps you’ve been needing an automated purchase order generation tool? Do you encounter challenges ordering, tracking and selling items by multiple weights and quantities? How about reserving quantities of inventory for specific customers? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then we have a solution for you. Below you’ll find 16 features to enhance Microsoft Dynamics GP for inventory:

Features & Screenshots

1) Reduce Inventory


Reduce inventory by automatically setting "order point" and "order up to" based on historical demand and sales forecasts. Click here for your solution.

2) Sales Discounts


Automatically rank inventory items ABC by the number of times items are sold. Click here for your solution.

3) Weekly Sales


View monthly or weekly sales demand for an item while entering purchase orders. Click here for your solution.

4) Order Points

Automatically increase and decrease "order points" and "order up to" based on seasonal demand. Click here for your solution.

5) Replenish Amounts


Set item replenishment amounts based on sales from another item when an item is superseded. Click here for your solution.

6) Import Demand

Import demand from outside or previous systems to be used for setting “order point” and “order up to” values. Click here for your solution.

7) Line Points

Use "Line Points" in place of "Order Up To" to reflect vendor order frequency. Click here for your solution.

8) Order Track

Order, track and sell items by weight and quantity - meats, cheeses, etc. Click here for your solution.

9) Tolerance Limits


Apply tolerance limits to items received and sold by weight. Click here for your solution.

10) Available Quantities


View on hand, allocated, and available quantities by weight and quantity. Click here for your solution.

11) Item Status


Create item statuses to prevent or allow sales, purchases, or inclusion in item lookup windows. Click here for your solution.

12) Reserve Quantities


Reserve quantities of stock for specific customer(s). Click here for your solution.


13) Sales prices

Charge different sales prices for items taken from customer reserves. Click here for your solution.

14) Unit of Measure

Specify different default selling unit of measures for different sites. Click here for your solution.

15) Track Items

Track, count, and view items as whole cases and split packs. Click here for your solution.

16) Stocking Unit

Maintain a stocking unit of measure in addition to selling and purchasing units of measure. Click here for your solution.

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